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できる, 出来る
Ichidan verb, Intransitive, Usually in kana
1. to be able to do, to be possible, to be permitted (to do)
2. to be good at, to do well, to be proficient (in), to be capable
3. to come into existence, to form, to appear, to come up (of a matter), to be born, to make (a friend), to get (a girlfriend, free time, etc.)
4. to be made, to be built, to be constructed, to be formed, to be established, to be set up
5. to be finished, to be completed, to be done, to be ready
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出切る, できる
Godan verb, Transitive
to be out of, to have no more at hand
できるだけ, 出来るだけ, 出来る丈
Expression, Adverb, May take 'no', Usually in kana
as much as one can, as much as possible, if at all possible
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できるだけ早く, 出来るだけ早く, できるだけはやく
as soon as possible
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できる限り, 出来る限り, できるかぎり
Expression, Adverb, May take 'no'
as much as one can, as much as possible
できる限り早い, 出来る限り早い, できるかぎりはやい
as soon as possible, at the earliest time
できるようになる, 出来るようになる
Expression, Godan verb, Usually in kana
to become possible, to become able to (do)
出来る限り早期, できる限り早期, できるかぎりそうき
as soon as possible, ASAP
ことができる, ことが出来る, 事ができる, 事が出来る
Expression, Ichidan verb, Usually in kana, usu. verb+ことが...
to be able (to), to be possible (to)
See more > common
使用できる, 使用出来る, しようできる
Expression, Ichidan verb
fit for use, available, operational, practicable, usable
信用できる, 信用出来る, しんようできる
Expression, Ichidan verb, See 信用・しんよう・1
to be trustworthy, to be credible, to be believable
やればできる, やれば出来る
Expression, Ichidan verb, Usually in kana
you can do it if you try
頼りに出来る, 頼りにできる, たよりにできる
Ichidan verb, Intransitive, See 頼りになる
to be dependable, to be reliable
信頼できる機能, しんらいできるきのう
Computer terminology
trusted functionality
太刀打ちできる, 太刀打ち出来る, たちうちできる
Expression, Ichidan verb, oft. in the neg.
to be a good match (for), to stand a chance (against), to be able to compete (with), to hold one's own
耳にタコができる, 耳にたこができる, 耳に胼胝ができる, みみにタコができる, みみにたこができる
Expression, Ichidan verb
to be told or made to hear something so often that you (metaphorically) get calluses on your ears
信頼できるホスト, しんらいできるホスト
Computer terminology
trusted host