たら, ったら
Particle, Conjunction, also ~だら
1. if, when, after
Colloquialism, indicates light scorn, annoyance, surprise, etc. about a topic
2. when it comes to ..., as for ..., that ...
at sentence end
3. why don't you ..., why not ..., how about ..., what about ...
at sentence end; adds emphasis; usu. ったら
4. I tell you!, I said ..., I really mean ...
indicates frustration, impatience, etc.; usu. ったら
5. vocative particle
See ダライ盤, Abbreviation
堕落, だらく
Takes suru, Intransitive
depravity, corruption, degradation
だらしない, だらし無い
Usually in kana
1. slovenly (appearance, work, etc.), sloppy, untidy, undisciplined, careless, loose, slack
2. weak, feeble, weak-willed, cowardly, gutless
だらだら, ダラダラ
Adverb, Adverb taking the 'to' particle, Takes suru, Onomatopoeic or mimetic word
1. in drops, dripping, trickling, streaming, flowing
2. gently (sloping)
3. sluggishly, endlessly, lengthily
4. leisurely, idly, slowly, slovenly
多羅, たら
See 多羅樹, Abbreviation
1. palmyra
See 多羅葉
2. lusterleaf holly
3. patra (silver incense dish placed in front of a Buddhist statue)
See だらしない・1
prudence, judgement, sense, discipline, care, control
Noun, used as a suffix
1. full of (e.g. mistakes), riddled with
2. covered all over with (blood, mud, etc.)
だらず, ダラズ
Derogatory, Tottori dialect
fool, moron, idiot
ダライ盤, ダライばん, ダライバン
See 旋盤
ダラム, ドラム
dram (unit of weight), drachm
ダライラマ, 達頼喇嘛, ダライ・ラマ
Usually in kana
Dalai Lama
陀羅尼助, 陀羅助, だらにすけ, だらすけ
traditional "Chinese" medicine for the stomach (usually prepared as small dark spherical pills)
だらだら坂, だらだらざか
gentle slope
鱈, 大口魚, 鰔, たら, タラ
1. gadid (any fish of the family Gadidae, incl. cod, haddock, whiting and pollack)
See 真鱈・まだら
2. Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus)
だらりの帯, だらりのおび
untucked obi, dangling obi
だらり, だらん
Adverb taking the 'to' particle, Onomatopoeic or mimetic word
languidly, loosely
陀羅尼, だらに
dharani, spell, litany, Sanskrit multi-syllabic chant
堕落坊主, だらくぼうず
apostate priest
堕落腐敗, だらくふはい
debasement, corruption, degradation
だらしのない, だらしの無い
Expression, See だらしない・1, Usually in kana
1. slovenly (appearance, work, etc.), sloppy, untidy, undisciplined, careless, loose, slack
2. weak, feeble, weak-willed, cowardly, gutless
だらしがない, だらしが無い
Expression, See だらしない・1, Usually in kana
1. slovenly (appearance, work, etc.), sloppy, untidy, undisciplined, careless, loose, slack
2. weak, feeble, weak-willed, cowardly, gutless
Ichidan verb, Intransitive
to be lazy, to be slack, to feel dull, to feel languid, to feel listless
だらだらかげろう景気, だらだら陽炎景気, だらだらかげろうけいき
period of Japanese economic expansion from February 2002 to October 2007
d'Alembert's paradox
ドラクマ, ダラクマ, ドラクメ
drachma (former Greek currency)
くだらない, 下らない
Usually in kana
1. trivial, trifling, insignificant, not worth bothering with, worthless, useless, good-for-nothing
2. stupid, nonsensical, absurd, foolish, silly
まだら, 斑, もどろ
Usually in kana
1. spots, speckles, mottles
Only まだら, NA-adjective, May take 'no'
2. speckled, spotted
1. gently sloping, gentle, gradual, easy
2. smooth (process), gentle (e.g. tone of voice), slow (e.g. growth)
淫ら, 猥ら, みだら
obscene, indecent, lewd, bawdy, loose, improper, dirty