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だけ, 丈
Particle, Usually in kana
1. only, just, merely, simply, no more than, nothing but, alone
2. as much as, to the extent of, enough to
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, 嶽, たけ, だけ
Noun, used as a suffix
1. (high) mountain, Mount, Mt.
2. mountain peak
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抱く, だく
Conjugated: だけ
Godan verb, Transitive
1. to hold in one's arms (e.g. a baby), to embrace, to hug
2. to have sex with, to make love to, to sleep with
3. to sit on (eggs), to brood
not only ... (but also), not just, as well as
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だけれども, だけども
though, much as
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妥結, だけ
Takes suru, Intransitive
settlement, an agreement
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Expression, used when trying to recall something or to ask for confirmation
1. was it?, I think it was ..., if I've got it right, if I'm not mistaken, remind me, tell me again
expresses nostalgic recollection
2. (I, we) used to ..., I remember ...
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, たけ, タケ
1. bamboo (any grass of subfamily Bambusoideae)
See 梅・うめ・2, See 松・まつ・2
2. middle (of a three-tier ranking system)
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だけ, 丈に
Expression, Conjunction, Usually in kana
1. as one would expect from ..., given that ... (naturally ...), because ..., being ...
used with unexpected results
2. precisely because ..., all the more because of ...
as AがAだけに
3. on account of ..., ... being what it is
See だけ・1
4. only to, only for, only in
駄犬, だけ
mongrel, cur, mutt
, 長, たけ, たき
1. height, stature
2. length (esp. of clothing)
See 思いのたけ, See 心のたけ
3. all (one has), everything
4. magnificence (of a waka poem, etc.)
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Expression, See だけ・1, See しか, emphatic form of しか; used with neg. verb
nothing but, except, no more than
Expression, Conjunction, used to express admiration or praise
1. as one would expect from ..., given that ... (naturally ...), because ..., being ...
2. for good reason, there is a (good) reason that ...
だけかんば, 岳樺, ダケカンバ
Usually in kana
Erman's birch (Betula ermanii), Russian rock birch
他家, たけ
another family, another house
all you have to do is, just, that's all
だけがらす, 岳烏, 岳鴉, たけがらす, ダケガラス, タケガラス
See 星烏, Usually in kana, Rare
spotted nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes)
打鍵, 打けん, だけ
だけのことはある, だけの事はある
Expression, Godan verb, Usually in kana
not ... for nothing, not ... with nothing to show for it, worthwhile, no wonder ...
だけが能ではない, だけがのうではない
Expression, See ばかりが能ではない, Idiomatic expression, after verb
it is not everything to ...
きのこ, 茸, 蕈, 菌, たけ, キノコ
Usually in kana
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檀家, 壇家, だんか, だんけ
family which supports a temple, parishioner
だけ, 開ける, 肌蹴る
Ichidan verb, Transitive, Usually in kana
1. to open (e.g. one's robe), to bare (e.g. one's chest), to expose
2. to open up (of clothing), to be exposed
3. to open wide (one's legs, eyes, mouth, etc.), to stretch
いただけ, 頂ける, 戴ける
Ichidan verb, Intransitive, See 貰える・1, Humble, Usually in kana
1. to be able to receive, to be able to take, to be able to accept
See 頂く・2
2. to be able to eat, to be able to drink
See 頂けない・いただけない
3. to be acceptable, to be satisfactory
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できるだけ, 出来るだけ, 出来る丈
Expression, Adverb, May take 'no', Usually in kana
as much as one can, as much as possible, if at all possible
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打撃, だげ
1. blow, shock, strike, damage
Baseball term
2. batting
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it's precisely for that reason that ..., which is precisely why ...
それだけ, 其れ丈, 其れだけ
Adverb, May take 'no', Usually in kana
that much, as much, to that extent, only that, that alone, no more than that, that is all (when finished speaking)
Expression, May take 'no', See あれほど
to that extent, to that degree, that much, that many
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できるだけ早く, 出来るだけ早く, できるだけはやく
as soon as possible
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砕ける, 摧ける, くだけ
Ichidan verb, Intransitive
1. to break (into pieces), to be broken, to be smashed
2. to collapse, to crumble, to decline, to cool (e.g. enthusiasm), to dampen (e.g. one's will to fight)
See くだけた・2
3. to become less formal, to throw off reserve, to become affable
See くだけた・1
4. to become easy to understand (e.g. a story)
5. to be worried
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砕け, くだけ
See 砕ける・くだける・1
1. breaking (into pieces), shattering
2. something that has been broken into pieces
3. conclusion, course of events, situation
真竹, まだけ, マダケ
Japanese timber bamboo (Phyllostachys bambusoides), giant timber bamboo, madake