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Adverb, expresses a desire or hope
at least, at most, (even) just
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攻め手, せめて
offense, offence, method of attack
攻める, せめる
Conjugated: せめて
Ichidan verb, Transitive
to attack, to assault, to assail
See more > common
責める, せめる
Conjugated: せめて
Ichidan verb, Transitive
1. to condemn, to blame, to criticize, to criticise, to reproach, to accuse
2. to urge, to press, to pester
3. to torture, to torment, to persecute
4. to break in (a horse)
See more > common
Adverb, See せめて
at the very least, at the very most, as a bare minimum, (even if it's) just, (very) least, at least some (comfort, etc.), only (consolation, saving grace, etc.), sole
Pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi)
minimum, (very) least, at least some (comfort, etc.), only (consolation, saving grace, etc.), sole