Adverb , expresses a desire or hope
at least , at most , (even) just
攻め手 , せめて
offense , offence , method of attack
攻める , せめる
Conjugated: せめて
Ichidan verb , Transitive
to attack , to assault , to assail
責める , せめる
Conjugated: せめて
Ichidan verb , Transitive
1. to condemn , to blame , to criticize , to criticise , to reproach , to accuse
2. to urge , to press , to pester
3. to torture , to torment , to persecute
4. to break in (a horse)
せめて も
Adverb , See せめて
at the very least , at the very most , as a bare minimum , (even if it's) just , (very) least , at least some (comfort, etc.) , only (consolation, saving grace, etc.) , sole
せめて もの
Pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi)
minimum , (very) least , at least some (comfort, etc.) , only (consolation, saving grace, etc.) , sole