する , 為る
Usually in kana
1. to do , to carry out , to perform
2. to cause to become , to make (into) , to turn (into)
3. to serve as , to act as , to work as
4. to wear (clothes, a facial expression, etc.)
as 〜にする,〜とする
5. to judge as being , to view as being , to think of as , to treat as , to use as
刷る , 摺る , する
Godan verb , Transitive
1. to print
2. to color or pattern fabric using a wooden mold
する , 掏る , スる
Godan verb , Transitive , Usually in kana
to pickpocket , to steal
擦る , 摩る , 磨る , 擂る , する
Godan verb , Transitive
1. to rub , to chafe , to strike (match) , to file , to frost (glass)
2. to lose (e.g. a match) , to forfeit , to squander one's money (e.g. through gambling, Pachinko, etc.)
剃る , そる , する
Godan verb , Transitive
to shave
砑 ガ , ゲ , する
to grind , to calender , to polish , to roll with a stone roller
鋭い , する どい
1. sharp (knife, claws, etc.) , pointed
2. sharp (pain, tone, etc.) , acute , stabbing , cutting (remark, criticism, etc.) , stinging , biting , fierce (attack) , pointed (question, look, etc.) , piercing (gaze) , shrill (sound)
3. keen (intuition, sense of smell, etc.) , sharp (eye, mind, etc.) , astute , shrewd , discerning , penetrating (insight, question, etc.) , perceptive
する べき
should do , ought to do
する と
1. (and) then , and , thereupon , whereupon
2. in that case , so
駿河 , する が
historical term
Suruga (former province located in the central and northern parts of present-day Shizuoka Prefecture)
スル ーパス, スル ー・パス
Sports term
through pass , through ball
スル ー
Takes suru , Transitive , Colloquialism
1. ignoring , looking the other way , letting pass
2. passing through , going through
Sports term
3. leaving a passing ball for a teammate (in soccer) , letting the ball go past , dummy
4. ball going through the net and landing in the opponent's half (in tennis)
Godan verb , Intransitive , See ずれる
1. to slide , to slip off , to get dislocated
Transitive , See 引きずる・ひきずる・1
2. to drag , to pull
する り
Adverb , Adverb taking the 'to' particle , Onomatopoeic or mimetic word
with a smooth, unhindered motion , speedily and without delay
する め, 鯣 , 寿留女 , スルメ
Usually in kana
1. dried squid , dried cuttlefish
See 鯣烏賊
2. Japanese common squid (Todarodes pacificus)
Noun, used as a prefix , Slang
3. (thing that) grows on one over time
スル ッと, するっと
Adverb , See するり , Onomatopoeic or mimetic word
smoothly , glidingly
スル メ曲, スル メきょく
See スルメ・3 , Slang
song that sounds better the more one listens to it , song that grows on one over time
スル ー力, スル ーりょく
See スルー・1 , See スルースキル , Colloquialism
ability to ignore bad things happening to one , power to not get upset or worked up (by ignoring something)
する がいい, する が良い , する がよい
Expression , Usually in kana
had better ... , may as well ...
する よろし, する よろしい
had better ... , may as well ...
する めいか, 鯣烏賊 , スルメイカ
Usually in kana
Japanese common squid , Pacific flying squid (Todarodes pacificus)
スル ホン化, スル ホンか
Takes suru
スル ホン酸, スル ホンさん
sulfonic acid
スル ー接続, スル ーせつぞく
Computer terminology
駿河問い , する がどい
historical term
form of bondage torture in which the victim is hung from the ceiling with their hands and legs bound behind them and a rock placed on their back (Edo period)
スル フィド, サルファイド
Chemistry term
(organic) sulfide , sulphide
スル ーホール, スル ー・ホール
Computer terminology
through hole
する ことなすこと, する 事なす事
Expression , See やることなすこと , Usually in kana
everything one does , whatever one does
スル ホン酸塩, スル ホンさんえん
スル ースキル, スル ー・スキル
See スルー・1 , Colloquialism
ability to ignore bad things happening to one , power to not get upset or worked up (by ignoring something)
する する
Adverb taking the 'to' particle , Adverb , Onomatopoeic or mimetic word
smoothly , swiftly
劘 バ , マ , ビ , ミ , けず.る , する , わ.ける
make into mince