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しょうがない, 仕様がない, しようがない
Expression, Usually in kana
1. there's no (other) way
2. cannot be helped, unavoidable, inevitable, (there's) nothing one can do, having no choice, it is what it is
oft. as 〜てもしょうがない
3. it's no use (doing), pointless, useless, no good, insufficient, not enough
4. hopeless (person), annoying, troublesome, awful
as 〜てしょうがない or 〜でしょうがない
5. cannot stand it, unbearable, cannot help (doing, feeling), dying (to do)
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手の施しようがない, てのほどこしようがない
Expression, Idiomatic expression
beyond help, there's nothing that can be done