嫉妬, しっと
Takes suru, Transitive, Intransitive
jealousy, envy
1. sitting, sitting down
Interjection, See おすわり・2, dog command
2. sit!
Interjection, Vulgar expression or word
じっと, 凝乎と, じーっと, じーと, じいっと
Adverb, Takes suru, Onomatopoeic or mimetic word, Usually in kana, じーっと is more emphatic
1. motionlessly (e.g. stand, wait), (be) still
2. fixedly (e.g. gaze, stare), intently (e.g. listen, think)
3. patiently (endure), stoically
4. firmly (e.g. hold), restrained
Adverb, Adverb taking the 'to' particle, Takes suru, Onomatopoeic or mimetic word
1. damp, moist, (slightly) wet
2. quiet, calm, peaceful, soft, gentle, mellow, graceful
失投, しっとう
Takes suru, Transitive, Intransitive, Baseball term
careless pitch
ちっと, 些と, 少と, ちと
Adverb, Usually in kana
1. a little bit
2. a little while
執刀, しっとう
Takes suru, Intransitive
performing a surgical operation
失透, しっとう
Takes suru
嫉妬心, しっとしん
feeling of envy, jealous feeling
嫉妬深い, しっとぶかい
(deeply) jealous
シットスキー, シット・スキー
sit-ski (usu. for cross-country skiing)
失当, しっとう
injustice, impropriety, unreasonableness
嫉妬の炎, しっとのほのお
flames of jealousy
嫉妬に狂う, しっとにくるう
Expression, Godan verb
to fly into a jealous rage, to go mad with jealousy
シットスピン, シット・スピン
figure skating
sit spin
シットダウンストライキ, シット・ダウン・ストライキ
sit-down strike
Adverb, Onomatopoeic or mimetic word
whack, smack
ずしっと, ズシッと
Adverb, Takes suru, See ずっしり, Onomatopoeic or mimetic word
heavily, profoundly
ピシッと, ぴしっと
Adverb, Onomatopoeic or mimetic word
1. with a crack, with a snap, with a slam
2. firmly, sharply, sternly
Takes suru
3. precisely, properly, neatly, tidily
ビシッと, びしっと, ビシっと
Adverb, Onomatopoeic or mimetic word
1. with a snap, (break) cleanly
2. (reject) sternly, flatly
3. smartly (e.g. of dressing up well)
ガシッと, がしっと, がっしと, ガッシと
Adverb, Takes suru, See がっしり, Onomatopoeic or mimetic word
firmly, solidly, heartily
ブレグジット, ブレクジット, ブレクシット
Brexit (withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union)