これは, 此れは
Expression, Usually in kana
1. as for this
Interjection, See こりゃ, expression of surprise when one encounters something unexpected
2. hey there, see here, I say
Adverb, usu. used adjectivally as これはという or これはと思う
strikingly, perfectly
これはこれは, 此れは此れは
Interjection, See これは・2, Usually in kana, emphatic expression of surprise when one encounters something unexpected
oh!, dear me, my goodness, well well, I say
凝る, こる
Conjugated: これば
Godan verb, Intransitive
1. to become stiff (of muscles)
2. to get absorbed in, to develop a passion for, to devote oneself to, to become obsessed with, to get hooked on
3. to be elaborate, to be intricate, to be exquisite, to be particular about, to pay great attention to
こればかり, 此れ許り, 是許り, 此許り
Usually in kana
1. only this, this much
May take 'no'
2. (this) small amount, (such a) paltry amount, only this much, slightest bit
as こればかりも with neg. verb
3. (not) in the slightest, (not) at all
なんだこれは, 何だこれは
Expression, See 何だこりゃ・なんだこりゃ, Colloquialism, Usually in kana
what on Earth is this?
梱る, こうる, こる
Conjugated: これば
Godan verb, Transitive, See 行李, Rare, possibly from 行李
to pack, to box, to package
これっぱかり, 此れっ許り, 是っ許り
May take 'no', See こればかり・2, Usually in kana, Rare
(this) small amount, (such a) paltry amount, only this much, slightest bit
これっぱかし, 此れっぱかし, 是っぱかし
May take 'no', See これっぱかり, Usually in kana, Rare
(this) small amount, (such a) paltry amount, only this much, slightest bit