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この, 此の, 斯の, こん
Pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi), See その・1, See あの, See どの, Usually in kana, something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or ideas expressed by the speaker
1. this
in ref. to a stretch of time or date
2. last (couple of years, etc.), these, past
emphatic, accusatory, insulting
3. you (as in "you liar")
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, 9, 玖, きゅう, く, ここの, この, ここ
Numeric, 玖 is used in legal documents
nine, 9
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, 函, 匣, 筥, 筐, 凾, はこ, ハコ
1. box, case, chest, package, pack, crate
2. car (of a train, etc.)
3. shamisen case
See 箱物・1, Colloquialism, often written as ハコ
4. public building, community building
See 箱屋・2, Archaism
5. man who carries a geisha's shamisen
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Particle, See 乃, occasionally ん, orig. written 乃 or 之
1. indicates possessive
2. nominalizes verbs and adjectives
See が・1
3. substitutes for "ga" in subordinate phrases
often ん
4. (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion
Female term or language
5. (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis
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, なか
1. inside, interior
2. among, within
3. middle, center, centre
4. during, while, midst, amid
5. interval, gap
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うち, 内,
1. inside, within
Usually in kana
2. while (e.g. one is young), during, within (e.g. a day), in the course of
as 〜のうち
3. among, amongst, (out) of, between
also 裡, 裏; as 〜のうちに after a noun representing a state or condition
4. in (secret, chaos, poverty, etc.), amidst, with (e.g. success)
5. within oneself, one's feelings, inner thoughts
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, ちゅう
1. medium (size), average (grade, level, etc.), middle
2. in, within, out of (e.g. ten people), among
3. during, while, in (the course of), within (a period), throughout
4. currently (doing), in the process of, in the middle of, under (e.g. construction, investigation)
5. middle way, moderation
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, じゅう, ぢゅう
1. (all) through (e.g. the night), throughout (e.g. the year), all ... long
as 〜に
2. within (e.g. the week), in the course of (e.g. today), by the end of
3. all over, throughout (e.g. the world)
4. all (of a group), the whole (family, school, etc.)
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, チュン
See 紅中, Mahjong term, Abbreviation
1. red dragon tile
2. winning hand with a pung (or kong) of red dragon tiles
1. at (place, time), in, on, during
2. to (direction, state), toward, into
3. for (purpose)
4. because of (reason), with
5. by, from
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