きれい, 綺麗, 奇麗, キレイ
1. pretty, lovely, beautiful, fair
Usually in kana
2. clean, clear, pure, tidy, neat
as 〜に
3. completely, entirely
じゃない, じゃ無い, ぢゃない
Expression, Usually in kana, from ではない
1. is not, am not, are not
2. isn't it?
ね, ねー, ねえ, ねぇ
Particle, at sentence end; used as a request for confirmation or agreement
1. right?, isn't it?, doesn't it?, don't you?, don't you think?
2. hey, say, listen, look, come on
at sentence end; used to express one's thoughts or feelings
3. you know, you see, I must say, I should think
at sentence end; used to make an informal request
4. will you?, please
at the end of a non-final clause; used to draw the listener's attention to something
5. so, ..., well, ..., you understand?
ねー, ねえ, ねぇ, ね
Expression, See 無い・1, Colloquialism
nonexistent, not being (there), not having