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昨日, きのう, さくじつ
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機能, きのう
Takes suru, Intransitive
function, facility, faculty, feature
See more > common
気嚢, 気のう, きのう
1. air sac (birds, insects, etc.)
2. gasbag (airship), envelope
帰納, きのう
Takes suru, Transitive
induction, inductive reasoning
帰農, きのう
Takes suru, Intransitive
take up farming again
技能, 伎能, ぎのう
technical skill, ability, capacity
See more > common
機能語, きのう
See 内容語, grammar
function word
機能美, きのう
functional beauty, beauty of function, simplicity and elegance of design
金納, きんのう
Takes suru, Transitive
cash payment
機能紙, きのう
functional paper (paper with special properties, e.g. water resistance)
機能キー, きのうキー
See ファンクションキー, Computer terminology
function key
帰納法, きのうほう
induction, inductive method
帰納的, きのうてき
inductive, recursive
機能的, きのうてき
木の虚ろ, きのうつろ
hollow in a tree
機能文字, きのうもじ
Computer terminology
function character
機能面, きのうめん
functional aspect
機能性, きのうせい
May take 'no'
機能主義, きのうしゅぎ
昨日今日, きのうきょう
1. yesterday and today
2. only recently, just recently, only yesterday
機能仕様, きのうしよう
Computer terminology
functional specification
機能試験, きのうしけん
Computer terminology
capability tests
機能単位, きのうたんい
Computer terminology
functional unit
機能停止, きのうていし
Takes suru, Intransitive
stopping functioning, being out of service
機能不全, きのうふぜん
dysfunction (often medical), malfunction, insufficiency
昨日の今日, きのうのきょう
right on the heels of yesterday, only yesterday
機能概要, きのうがいよう
Computer terminology
functional overview
機能強化, きのうきょうか
Computer terminology
functional enhancement
機能設計, きのうせっけい
Computer terminology
functional design
機能分析, きのうぶんせき
Computer terminology
functional analysis
機能塗料, きのうとりょう
functional coating, functional paint
昨日や今日, きのうやきょう
Expression, See 昨日今日・2
only recently, just recently, only yesterday
機能文法, きのうぶんぽう
Linguistics terminology
functional grammar
機能転換, きのうてんかん
functional shift
機能要件, きのうようけん
Computer terminology
functional requirement (of a system or component), capability requirement
勤王, 勤皇, きんのう
loyalty to the emperor
機能障害, きのうしょうがい
functional disorder, dysfunction