うまく, 上手く, 旨く, 巧く, 甘く
Adverb, Usually in kana
1. skilfully, skillfully, well, aptly, cleverly
2. successfully, smoothly
3. deliciously
うまい, 上手い, 美味い, 旨い, 巧い, 甘い, 美い
Conjugated: うまく
Usually in kana, esp. 上手い, 巧い
1. skillful, skilful, skilled, good, expert, clever (expression, trick, etc.), apt, appropriate
esp. 旨い, 美味い, 甘い
2. delicious, tasty, nice
esp. 旨い
3. good (deal, idea, etc.), profitable, promising, lucky, fortunate, successful, satisfactory, splendid
うまくいく, 上手く行く, 旨く行く
Expression, Godan verb, Usually in kana
to go smoothly, to turn out well, to do the trick, to have peaceful relations
うまくやる, 旨くやる, 巧くやる, 甘くやる
Expression, Godan verb, Usually in kana
to manage something successfully, to be successful
うまくやっていく, うまくやって行く, 旨くやって行く
Expression, Godan verb, Usually in kana
to get along well with, to make a go of it
馬草, 秣, まぐさ, うまくさ
fodder (for horses or cows), hay, feed
入幕, にゅうまく
Takes suru, Intransitive
advancing to the first grade
網膜, もうまく
Anatomical term
蝋膜, 蠟膜, ろうまく
cere (skin at the base of a bird's beak)
馬櫛, 馬梳, うまぐし, まぐし
馬栗, うまぐり, ウマグリ
See セイヨウトチノキ
horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
強膜, 鞏膜, きょうまく
May take 'no', Anatomical term
ブドウ膜, 葡萄膜, ぶどうまく, ブドウまく
May take 'no'
漿膜, しょう膜, しょうまく
Anatomical term
1. serous membrane, serosa
Biology term
2. chorion
莢膜, きょうまく
Medicine term
1. (bacterial) capsule
2. ovarian follicle sheath, theca
細胞膜, さいぼうまく
cellular membrane
外套膜, がいとうまく
mantle (of an invertebrate)
半透膜, はんとうまく
semipermeable membrane
網膜炎, もうまくえん
Medicine term
脳硬膜, のうこうまく
cranial dura mater, cerebral dura mater, dura mater encephali
羊膜腔, ようまくくう, ようまくこう
Zoology term
amniotic cavity
遮光幕, しゃこうまく
See 遮光カーテン
blackout curtain, light-blocking curtain, lampshade, shade
大網膜, だいもうまく
See 大網, Anatomical term
caul, greater omentum
振動膜, しんどうまく
1. vibrating membrane
2. tymbal (e.g. of a cicada)
硬膜, こうまく
Anatomical term
dura, dura mater
羊膜, ようまく
May take 'no'
新入幕, しんにゅうまく
Sumo term
wrestler newly promoted to makuuchi division
再入幕, さいにゅうまく
Sumo term
wrestler re-promoted to makuuchi division