あなた, 貴方, 貴女, 貴男
Pronoun, Usually in kana, trad. polite in ref. to someone of equal or lower status, now oft. regarded as rude or distant
1. you
Only 貴方, Only 貴男, Familiar language, used by wives addressing their husbands
2. dear, honey
かなた, 彼方, あなた
Pronoun, Usually in kana
beyond, across, the other side, the distance
1. indicates the subject of a sentence
literary in modern Japanese; usu. written as ヶ in place names
2. indicates possession
3. but, however, (and) yet, though, although, while
4. and
5. used after an introductory remark or explanation
なんと, 何と
1. what, how
Usually in kana, indicates surprise, admiration, etc.
2. what (a) ...!
3. surprisingly, to my amazement, believe it or not, why, ...!
4. oh my, wow
used when asking for confirmation or approval
5. well, ..., so, ...
南斗, なんと
See 斗宿, Rare
Chinese "Dipper" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
南都, なんと
See 北都, historical term, Poetical term
1. Nara
See 北嶺・2
2. Kōfuku-ji (Buddhist temple in Nara)