自分 , じぶん
1. myself , yourself , oneself , himself , herself
2. I , me
Dialect: Kansai-ben
3. you
Particle , Conjunction
1. if , when
2. and
3. with
4. used for quoting (thoughts, speech, etc.)
See と金 , Shogi term , Abbreviation
5. promoted pawn
ト , 土 , と
See 土耳古・トルコ・1 , Abbreviation , Usually in kana
関係がない , 関係が無い , かんけいがない
Expression , See 関係無い
unrelated , irrelevant , unconcerned , unconnected
考える , 勘える , 稽える , かんがえる
Conjugated: 考えず
Ichidan verb , Transitive
1. to think (about, of) , to think over , to ponder , to contemplate , to reflect (on) , to meditate (on)
2. to consider , to bear in mind , to allow for , to take into consideration
3. to think (that) , to believe , to hold (a view) , to judge , to conclude , to suspect
4. to intend (to do) , to think of (doing) , to plan
5. to predict , to anticipate , to expect , to imagine
1. at (place, time) , in , on , during
2. to (direction, state) , toward , into
3. for (purpose)
4. because of (reason) , with
5. by , from
Particle , See 乃 , occasionally ん, orig. written 乃 or 之
1. indicates possessive
2. nominalizes verbs and adjectives
See が・1
3. substitutes for "ga" in subordinate phrases
often ん
4. (at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion
Female term or language
5. (at sentence-end) indicates emotional emphasis
問題 , もんだい
1. question (e.g. on a test) , problem
2. problem (e.g. societal, political) , issue , subject (e.g. of research) , case , matter
3. question (i.e. doubt)
4. public discussion , controversy
5. trouble , inconvenience , difficulty
1. as (i.e. in the role of) , for (i.e. from the viewpoint of)
2. apart from... (used to change the topic)
before a negative form
3. even (e.g. "not even a single person")
See とする・1 , after a volitional form
4. thinking that... , trying to...
賭す , とす
Conjugated: として
Godan verb , Transitive , See 賭する
to stake , to risk , to bet , to wager
この , 此の , 斯の , こん
Pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi) , See その・1 , See あの , See どの , Usually in kana , something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or ideas expressed by the speaker
1. this
in ref. to a stretch of time or date
2. last (couple of years, etc.) , these , past
emphatic, accusatory, insulting
3. you (as in "you liar")
九 , 9 , 玖 , きゅう , く , ここの , この , ここ
Numeric , 玖 is used in legal documents
nine , 9
1. indicates direct object of action
2. indicates subject of causative expression
3. indicates an area traversed
4. indicates time (period) over which action takes place
5. indicates point of departure or separation of action
こと , 事 , 縡
Usually in kana
1. thing , matter
2. incident , occurrence , event , something serious , trouble , crisis
3. circumstances , situation , state of affairs
4. work , business , affair
5. after an inflectable word, creates a noun phrase indicating something the speaker does not feel close to
琴 , 箏 , 筝 , こと , そう
1. koto (13-stringed Japanese zither)
Only こと , Archaism
2. stringed instrument
Only 箏 , Only 筝
3. zheng (Chinese zither) , guzheng
古都 , こと
ancient city , former capital
異 , 殊 , こと , け
Only こと , NA-adjective , Noun, used as a prefix , Archaism
1. difference (from one another) , different thing , other
2. unusual , extraordinary
糊塗 , こと
Takes suru , Transitive
patching up (e.g. a failure) , covering up (e.g. a mistake) , glossing over
Particle , particle always used at sentence-end
1. particle indicating a command
Female term or language , often as ことね
2. particle indicating mild enthusiasm
3. particle indicating a gentle interrogative
at sentence end as ことよ
4. particle used to soften a judgment or conclusion
言 , げん , こと
word , remark , statement
1. indicates the subject of a sentence
literary in modern Japanese; usu. written as ヶ in place names
2. indicates possession
3. but , however , (and) yet , though , although , while
4. and
5. used after an introductory remark or explanation
求める , もとめる
Conjugated: 求められている
Ichidan verb , Transitive
1. to want , to wish for
2. to request , to demand , to require , to ask for
3. to seek , to search for , to look for , to pursue (pleasure) , to hunt (a job) , to find (a solution)
See 買う・1 , Polite
4. to purchase , to buy