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昨日, きのう, さくじつ
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, 出
Noun, used as a suffix
1. coming out, going out, outflow, efflux, rising (of the Sun or the Moon)
2. attending (work), appearing (on stage), one's turn to go on
3. start, beginning
4. origins, background, person (or item) originating from ..., graduate of ..., native of ..., member of ... (lineage)
5. architectural member that projects outward
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Particle, indicates location of action
1. at, in, when
indicates means of action
2. by, with
quantifies limits of action; e.g. time spanned, instances, number of participants, etc.
3. within
4. and then, so
See よ・1, at sentence-end; indicates certainty, emphasis, etc., Dialect: Kansai-ben
5. let me tell you, don't you know
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, い
Conjunction, Auxiliary, See ないで・1, Archaism, after a -nai stem
without doing ...
万引き, 万引, まんびき
Takes suru, Transitive
shoplifting, shoplifter
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1. indicates direct object of action
2. indicates subject of causative expression
3. indicates an area traversed
4. indicates time (period) over which action takes place
5. indicates point of departure or separation of action
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働く, はたらく
Conjugated: 働いた
Godan verb, Intransitive
1. to work, to labor, to labour
2. to function, to operate, to be effective, to work (i.e. ... works), to come into play
3. to commit (e.g. a crime), to perpetrate, to do, to act, to practise, to practice
Linguistics terminology
4. to be conjugated
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