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それに, 其れに
Conjunction, Usually in kana
besides, in addition, also, moreover
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結婚, けっこん
Takes suru, Intransitive
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下歯, したば
lower teeth
下端, したば
lower portion, base surface, soffit
下葉, したば
Antonym: 上葉・うわば
lower leaves
借りる, かり
Conjugated: かり
Ichidan verb, Transitive
1. to borrow
2. to rent, to hire
3. to make use of (another's help, wisdom, etc.), to obtain, to receive
4. to use (for another purpose), to put to a different use
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がん, 雁, 鴈, かり, ガン, カリ
Usually in kana
1. wild goose
Only かり, Only カリ, Abbreviation, Colloquialism
2. glans, head of a penis
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, 仮り, かり
May take 'no', Prefix
1. temporary, provisional, interim, tentative
2. fictitious, assumed (name), alias
3. hypothetical, theoretical
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狩り, 狩, 猟, かり
Noun, used as a suffix, pronounced がり as a suffix
1. hunting, hunt, shooting
pronounced がり
2. gathering (mushrooms, shellfish, etc.), picking (berries, fruit, etc.), viewing (e.g. autumn leaves)
3. hunting down (a criminal, etc.), rounding up (e.g. communists), witch-hunt
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借り, かり
borrowing, debt, loan
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下吏, かり
lower official
, かり
cut, clip, shear, reap, trim, prune
Conjunction, See ですから
1. so, therefore, accordingly, consequently, on those grounds, that is why, for that reason
Expression, at the start of a sentence
2. like I said, I told you already
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