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うるさい, 煩い, 五月蝿い, 五月蠅い
Usually in kana
1. noisy, loud
2. annoying, troublesome, tiresome, persistent, importunate
3. fussy, finicky, picky, particular, nagging, fastidious, bossy
4. shut up, be quiet
See more > common
という, と言う, とゆう
Expression, Usually in kana
1. called, named, that says
after a quantity
2. as many as, as much as
as AというA
3. all ..., every single ...
See more > common
べき, 可き
Auxiliary, Usually in kana, after the dictionary form of a verb
should, must, ought to
See more > common
, 羃, 巾, べき
Mathematics term
exponent, power
でしょう, でしょ
Expression, See だろう・1, Polite, conjectural form of polite copula です; でしょ is less polite
1. it seems, I think, I guess, I wonder
2. right?, don't you agree?
See more > common
, , ,
Particle, at sentence end; used as a request for confirmation or agreement
1. right?, isn't it?, doesn't it?, don't you?, don't you think?
2. hey, say, listen, look, come on
at sentence end; used to express one's thoughts or feelings
3. you know, you see, I must say, I should think
at sentence end; used to make an informal request
4. will you?, please
at the end of a non-final clause; used to draw the listener's attention to something
5. so, ..., well, ..., you understand?
See more > common
, , ,
Expression, See 無い・1, Colloquialism
nonexistent, not being (there), not having