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昔は昔今は今, むかしはむかしいまはいま
Expression, Proverb
let bygones be bygones, the past is the past, the present is the present
柳は緑花は紅, やなぎはみどりはなはくれない
Expression, Idiomatic expression, from a quote by Su Shi
1. natural state, being unspoilt by human touch, willows are green, flowers are crimson
2. spring is beautiful
3. things are different by nature, all things have their characteristics
人は人我は我, ひとはひとわれはわれ
Expression, Proverb
live and let live, you do you and I'll do me, people are people; I am myself
才子才に倒れる, さいしさいにたおれる
Expression, Ichidan verb, Proverb
talented men are ruined by their own talent
京の夢大阪の夢, きょうのゆめおおさかのゆめ
Expression, set phrase recited before talking about dreams
the dreams of Kyoto, the dreams of Osaka
旅は情け人は心, たびはなさけひとはこころ
Expression, See 旅は道連れ世は情け・たびはみちづれよはなさけ, Proverb
in traveling, a companion; in life, sympathy
後門の虎前門の狼, こうもんのとらぜんもんのおおかみ
Expression, See 前門の虎、後門の狼, Idiomatic expression
between the devil and the deep sea, out of the frying pan into the fire, a tiger at the back gate, a wolf at the front gate
少年よ大志を抱け, しょうねんよたいしをいだけ
Expression, quotation, from a speech by William Smith Clark
boys, be ambitious
雄弁は銀沈黙は金, ゆうべんはぎんちんもくはきん
Expression, Proverb
speech is silver, silence is golden
前門の虎後門の狼, ぜんもんのとらこうもんのおおかみ
Expression, Idiomatic expression
between the devil and the deep sea, out of the frying pan into the fire, a tiger at the front gate, a wolf at the back gate
花は桜木人は武士, はなはさくらぎひとはぶし
Expression, Proverb
the best flowers are the cherry blossoms, the best individuals are the samurai, as the cherry blossom is first among flowers, so is the warrior first among men
来た見た、勝った, きたみた、かった
Expression, quotation
veni, vidi, vici, I came; I saw; I conquered
聞くも涙語るも涙, きくもなみだかたるもなみだ
Expression, May take 'no'
(a story) so sad that both the speaker and the listener shed tears
遅牛も淀早牛も淀, おそうしもよどはやうしもよど
Expression, Proverb
there is no point in hurrying, hurry no man's cattle, slow oxen (leaving Kyoto) end up in Yodo (just south of Kyoto), fast oxen also end up in Yodo
早牛も淀遅牛も淀, はやうしもよどおそうしもよど
Expression, Proverb
there is no point in hurrying, hurry no man's cattle, fast oxen (leaving Kyoto) end up in Yodo (just south of Kyoto), slow oxen also end up in Yodo
その男凶暴につき, そのおとこきょうぼうにつき
work of art, literature, music
Violent Cop (1989 film by Takeshi Kitano)
ブルータスお前もか, ブルータスおまえもか
Expression, quotation
et tu, Brute?
鱧も一期海老も一期, はももいちごえびもいちご
Expression, Proverb
all men are alike, all lives are alike, all men live and die, we all bleed the same, a pike conger has one life, a shrimp does too
性相近し習い相遠し, せいあいちかしならいあいとおし
Expression, Proverb, from the Analects of Confucius
by human nature we are close, through practice we grow apart, by nature, near together; by practice far apart
楽は苦の種苦は楽の種, らくはくのたねくはらくのたね
Expression, Proverb
there's no pain without pleasure, and there's no pleasure without pain
ブルータスよお前もか, ブルータスよおまえもか
Expression, quotation
et tu, Brute?
よそはよそうちはうち, 他所は他所うちはうち
Expression, Proverb, Usually in kana
we have our rules, they have theirs, our house, our rules
今日の一針明日の十針, きょうのひとはりあすのとはり
Expression, Proverb
a stitch in time saves nine, one needle today, ten needles tomorrow
井の中の蛙大海を知らず, いのなかのかわずたいかいをしらず
Expression, Proverb
the frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean
勝てば官軍負ければ賊軍, かてばかんぐんまければぞくぐん
Expression, Proverb
might is right, history is written by the victors, winners are always right and losers are always in the wrong, if you win you are the loyalist army, if you lose you are the rebel army
朝焼けは雨夕焼けは晴れ, あさやけはあめゆうやけははれ
Expression, Proverb
red sky at night, sailors delight; red sky in morning, sailors take warning, red sky at night, shepherds delight; red sky in morning, shepherds take warning
桜切る馬鹿梅切らぬ馬鹿, さくらきるばかうめきらぬばか
Expression, Proverb
only an idiot prunes cherry trees and only an idiot does not prune plum trees
指汚しとて切られもせず, 指汚しとて切られもせず, ゆびきたなしとてきられもせず
Expression, Proverb
it's hard to cut one's ties to close relatives even if they are wicked, you don't cut your finger off just because it's dirty
わたし定時で帰ります。, わたしていじでかえります。
work of art, literature, music
I Will Not Work Overtime, Period! (TV drama)
生めよ殖えよ、地に満てよ, うめよふえよ、ちにみてよ
Expression, Proverb, from Genesis 1:28
be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth
二人は伴侶三人は仲間割れ, ふたりははんりょさんにんはなかまわれ
Expression, Proverb
two is a company, three is a crowd, one companion is better than two
大きにお世話お茶でも上がれ, おおきにおせわおちゃでもあがれ
Expression, Humorous term, Archaism
mind your own business!, keep out of it!